Are you ready to dig deep?
Do you want to break through the ceiling to reach new heights in your life, business, and relationships?
Can you feel the excitement as you prepare for a TRUE transformation in your life?
Are you ready to tap into your most valuable asset?
If you are ready then let’s TRANSFORM!
This exclusive VIP program will provide you with the tools and support to make an amazing transformation take place in your life.
The program includes:
- Brain Personality Connection Assessment
- Two full VIP days (6 month program 4 full days)
- Day one discuss assessment and set plan
- Weekly brainstorming calls
- Day two recheck progress set life plan
- Workbook and recordings
- Copy of Brain Storm Journal
- VIP status discounts on all events
- Ticket to the Mind Blowing Life Transforming Event
- And so much more!
- Pricing for the 3 month program normally $1997 this event ONLY $1497
- 6 month program normally $3497 this event ONLY $2997
Julie Anderson is a dynamic and engaging international public speaker. Her fun and interactive presentations make the technical science behind psychology interesting and understandable. For more than 15 years she has been igniting her audiences to fire up their brains. The information she shares will help those who hear to accelerate their success in life and business through discovery of their natural gifts.