Welcome and Congratulations!
I am so very excited that you have decided to join our powerful team of coaches. It is clear that you hear the message, can see the vision, and feel the passion that Your Best Mind has for taking the Brain Personality Connection knowledge WORLDWIDE. The information contained in this training manual has the power to truly transform lives.
To help you feel what I felt when I first absorbed this information so many years ago I want to share with you the forward from my soon to be released book “What Did You Say? – A Guide to Understanding Communication, Relationships and the Brain.” It will help you to see where my passion for the Brain Personality Connection began and allow you to gain insight on the impact it had on me personally.
Let me take you back to almost 20 years ago. At that time I was working toward my Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Health. I had completed an amazing course on Psychoneuroimmunology. As a result of what I was learning, I became fascinated with anything and everything to do with the brain. I actively pursued digesting books, white pages, and attending events connected to what I now call the Brain Personality Connection (BPC). A few years later, my sister Debi and I decided to take a workshop that focused on teaching the “brain personality connection.” Prior to actually attending the workshop, we took a very comprehensive personality assessment called “The Benziger Thinking Style Assessment.” (developed by Katherine I. Benziger)
I would soon find out that this was no ordinary personality test. As I rode with my sister to our destination I sat and argued with the results of the assessment. You see, it had pegged me as a right-brained thinker! What?! I had always thought of myself as being left-brain dominant. After all, that was the way I was functioning and using my brain energy at the time. In our family arrangement it was my responsibility to make a large amount of the fact-based decisions. In rearing our three sons I made the decisions regarding medical treatment and education. I cared for all of the personal finances and was responsible for handling the accounts receivable and accounts payable for my husband’s business. Please understand, this is not meant as derogatory about my husband- he’s a wonderful man, it’s just that these responsibilities fell on me while his main focus was on working and building his business. I did the office work.
Now back to the car ride. I was sitting there arguing with the report in my hands; there was just no way that the information was accurate. Right-brained? No way! Not possible! It couldn’t be! I spent the next two days having my eyes opened to a new way of viewing things. The information that I took in during that workshop completely changed my life.
On our drive home my sister and I laughed, cried, and had some of the greatest “a-ha” moments of our lives. My understanding and view of the people in my life was dramatically affected. Many of my previously negative perspectives began to fade. Probably the greatest understanding I gained was of me- and that’s not the easiest thing to do. The “Why did I do that?” or “Why did they say things that way?” or “What were they thinking?” questions all began to become clear. So began my journey into absorbing as much information that I could on the brain, especially connected to personalities, communication, learning, processing of thoughts and the immune system.
This is the information that is now compiled in this course. No, you will not find a long line of letters behind my name. My office wall is covered with pictures of my family and positive thoughts-not college degrees. I do not personally see patients or scan their brains to watch how they function. However, my bookshelves and filing cabinets are loaded with books, reports and writings to support the research that I have compiled.
It is my desire that sharing this information will have a life-changing effect on you, the reader, as it did for me. My hope is that after reading this you will have as many “a-ha” moments as I had. Then, as you go through life applying this information, it will help you to improve your communication with the wide variety of personalities you will encounter. If you are able to do this you will decrease your frustrations and increase your understanding of yourself and others. Most of all, I hope that this will help you realize that you can use this information to live a happier, more positive and healthier life!
As the years have passed my passion for sharing this information continues to increase with every passing day. The number of people that I want to reach with this message is vast. This is the reason for creating the licensing/certification program that you are now a part of. During the training period you will be asked to read several books and listen to or watch CD’s and DVD’s that contain valuable information regarding the Brain Personality Connection. The goal is that you become an expert in this field so that you can impart this wealth of information in a clear and fun manner to others[1]. The result is that you will gift them information that has the ability to change their lives and even the possibility to improve their health. I have also included a section on how to use this program to build a business and benefit financially from sharing this amazing information. What better combination could there be?!
So, once again, welcome to the elite group of Your Best Mind representatives!
Julie “Brain Lady” Anderson
-An Extroverted, Auditory, Anterior Right Brain Quadrant Dominance… and Proud of It!
[1] PLEASE NOTE: The information contained in this course is not at any time and/or for any reason meant to replace the guidance and/or treatment of any health professional; whether it be a medical doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist or anyone in the medical field. Remember that, if you, or any person that you are coaching, are under the care of such a health professional, this is an “added value” and is not designed to replace any care you or they are currently under.