It is very important if you are to teach, coach, or consult with others on this topic that you have clearly identified your natural Brain Quadrant Dominance. It is, however, more complicated than just going back through the list and checking off the boxes in each quadrant description that you feel apply to you.
In another unit I will cover the other side of the coin: nurture and adaption. You will also have to remember the overlays. These are characteristics that may appear to be a BQD, but in reality are reflective of sensory preference or I/E level or male/female brain. I say all of this because I want to do a preemptive explanation so that you avoid getting caught up in the items that just don’t seem to fit.
If you haven’t completed it already, now would be the time to do your Brain Personality Connection Assessment (BPCA). In it you will identify the points that you feel NATURALLY fit you. Ask yourself, “Do I feel this applies to me because it invigorates me, it makes me feel great, or gives me energy? Or, am I checking this line because I am really good at it, even though it’s not my favorite thing to do? Did I learn to do this because it was expected of me? Do I do this all of the time because it is a role that I HAVE to play in my life?”
Once you have completed the BPCA we should be able to identify your natural brain quadrant dominance. If you have two that are really close, look at what quadrant is the most difficult for you to work in. Which functions exhaust you, or which do you put off doing because they are the most unpleasant for you. For example: you may be really close between anterior right and posterior right. Both of those quadrants resonate with you. Ask yourself which of the left quadrants are you least comfortable working in, anterior left or posterior left? Your natural lead will most likely be the diagonally opposite quadrant.
If you have completed the BPCA, now might be a good time to review. You may want to read back over the key points in this unit, spend some time meditating on your upbringing and what the natural BQD were of the key people in your life. See if you would answer the same after going over this unit. The additional book that is a part of this unit will also help to shed light on the subject.
This completes this unit. I know it was a wordy one, but the information is fascinating and revealing. Gaining a clear understanding of this portion of the Brain Personality Connection will greatly improve not only your relationships but also the relationships for those that you share this information with.